Thursday 17 March 2011

Paul -Pablo- picasso is a great painter -who was born- that nacio in Malaga -Málaga- in the year 1881, empezo -empezó- -He began- to studying -study- art -when he was- 9 years in the coruña -La Coruña-. -After- Despues -después- comenzo -comenzó- to esturdiar -study- fine arts in a school in the year 1898. -He- I painted approximately 13.500 pictures. -He- I changed -moved- to paris -Paris- in the year 1904, -he worked- estubo -estuvo- working as an artist -painting- pintandos hundreds of pictures and in this way -he-it became rich. -He- Died 8th april 1973, in Fracia.

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